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How to Heal By Listening to Your Inner Voice.

  • Ann
  • August 19th, 2021

You maybe be wondering how do I heal from listening? It’s not from listening to me or your mom or your doctor even.

I mean listening to yourself. Yes, you! You have all the answers to your health, well being, happiness, and so so much more.

Too often do we give this power away. With today’s technology in our face we are drowning in information. We can’t decipher what is truth from what is not.

If you’re not in touch with your inner voice, you will have a difficult time navigating what is true, from what is not truth.


So, how do you go about listening to your inner voice?

There are a few ways to go about this. I really enjoy the act of writing or journaling. Get a journal or any piece of paper and ask yourself a question pertaining to your health or healing.

If this idea is weird to you, start off my writing, how you are feeling and then ask, “What can I do to feel better?”

Now, don’t expect a voice from the outside to answer but more so a subtle response that comes from within. You might feel compelled to write a response.

Try not to “think” too hard about it. As it isn’t always an intellectual response. It’s more of a response that you feel but may be processed through your brain.

If this doesn’t make sense let me describe it differently.

Your response might feel light hearted. You feel an urge to write what you feel verses what you think. It’s a feeling that comes through you effortlessly.


I want to share a brief inner dialogue that comes to me when I ask these questions.

” I’m not feeling too well today. What can I do to feel better?

Take your zinc sulfate supplements, consider taking the day off to be outside and bathe in the sun and do nothing. Feeding your soul will improve your mood and bring up your energy level.

“My muscles and joints are aching today? Why?”

A minor cold virus is causing inflammation. Drink a green juice and stay away from cooked foods. Eat fruits and vegetables for the remainder of the day.


Personal inquiry isn’t just for health but also for ANYTHING you might need answers to or guidance on. I use inquiry in times of stress, worry, or planning for the future.

Inquiry will allow you to strengthen your intuition.

Think of intuition as your inner compass. If you are lost in your health decisions, you don’t know who to trust, what to do, or what to think anymore. This is definitely for you.

Personal inquiry, asking & listening to your inner voice, allows you to feel who you can trust and what to believe.

You have the power. You have the wisdom. Don’t let others dictate your health. Ultimately, you know best. The doctor only thinks, he/she knows. However, they don’t know for sure.

The only truth to your reality, is what you feel. Don’t go against how you feel just because the doctor say’s so.

Inquiry can be empowering. I want you to feel empowered to take control of your health by knowing what you need to do, to feel better, and to know who you can work with. Don’t lose touch with your inner self.

Your inner self is your guide. For she knows what is best for you. Start listening. She’s talking to you.