
Hey! I'm Annette Gettinger. People call me Ann.

I'm a Holistic Dietitian with Thyroid Disease...

After getting sick with Hashimoto's and feeling like I was 70 when I was only in my 30's I decided to take healing into my own hands. I got down to the root issue, treated it with foods and a healthy lifestyle. I look and feel better than I ever did in my 20's or even in my teens. Now I teach San Antonians and women from ALL over how to do the same eating a more plant-based lifestyle. Book a free call to get started, you're worth it!

Book a Getting Started Call Today!
Services & Courses

The Thyroid Method Academy

  • A-Z Thyroid Course
  • 1:1 Coaching from ME
  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls
  • FB Access to Our Private Community
  • Unlimited Communication Access
Apply Today for Coaching

The Thyroid & Gut Reset Course

  • A-Z about Thyroid Disease
  • Self-Paced Modules
  • Lifetime Access
  • FB Community
  • Easy to follow recipes, menus, & more
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Start Your Health Journey Today

If NOT today then when? Stop telling yourself tomorrow because tomorrow may never come. Start your health journey by booking a 20 minute clarity call to discuss your health goals, concerns, or what we are about. No pressure, no obligations, just talk. I can tell you everything you want to know in a 20 minute conversation or if you feel intuit about our call, I'd love to work with you in some form or capacity. Whether short-term or long term. I just want to nudge you along; whether that would be passing you along to someone else or US working together. Listen to your gut instincts. Click the Link to Book a Call.



  • Ann
  • January 17th, 2022

How to Heal Hashimoto’s Disease in 2022

“All disease begins in the gut. “ – Hippocrates What is Hashimoto’s Disease According to the mayo clinic, hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid, a small gland at the base of your neck below your Adam’s apple. As a result of your thyroid being inflamed and under […]

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  • Ann
  • September 23rd, 2021

I’m a Dietitian and Here’s the Best Diet for Gut Health

As we age, some of the bodily functions we once took for granted can become a little less reliable. Our metabolism begins to slow down, our hormones can go awry (hello hot flashes), and our hair begins to fall out but what does all of this have to do with gut health? What is the best […]

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  • Ann
  • August 19th, 2021

How to Heal By Listening to Your Inner Voice.

You maybe be wondering how do I heal from listening? It’s not from listening to me or your mom or your doctor even. I mean listening to yourself. Yes, you! You have all the answers to your health, well being, happiness, and so so much more. Too often do we give this power away. With […]

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The Breakfast Club